Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Order: 1886 Review


Cold Hard Truth 
Basic guidelines of what I experienced

-Took me 7 hours 30 minutes, exploring as well (the game is linear).

- The gameplay is fundamentally good, but doesn't do anything new. Some of the weapons are pretty fun.

- I really enjoyed the story, atmosphere and characters, although not a classic. The voice acting is exceptional

- IMO the game is not worth the full asking price as there is not enough content but it is certainly worth your time when it reaches a reasonable price IMO.

- Very good graphics, but black borders are never a good thing.

- Source of how I got it: Redbox!

The Order 1886... Worth Playing?

The Order: 1886 is a single-player third-person shooter video game developed by Ready at Dawn and SCE Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment which was announced at the 2013 Electronic Entertainment Expo event and was released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 on February 20, 2015.

Upon release, The Order: 1886 received mixed reviews from critics, with praise particularly directed to the game's production value, graphics and technical achievements, while receiving strong criticism regarding the game's length, story, gameplay, replay value and the player's involvement in the game.

Current Rankings from top reviewers: Gamespot: 5/10, Metacritic: 65%, Giant Bomb: 2/5

Is all that true? Even before the game was released this game was getting bashed hard. Hell I will even admit I had my fun poking at this game, especially when the dev of the company got pissed off and refused to answer any and all questions about the length of the game. So yes I guess I was kind of the problem when it comes to spreading the hate before the game comes out. The main reason I say this though is one question popped in my head right before I starting playing it and then right after. Why. As a collective mind (internet) we go on a riot somewhat when it comes to gaming. One little spark and caused a wild fire and the fact is that little to no one has played it, or anyone of note. 

I have seen the youtube playthrough before even playing this game and yes I admit it was kind of short but watching a game and playing a game are two different things. The enjoyment factor is completely different. Even more so if it is a person you follow or watch all the time.

In any case. Is The Order 1886 deserving of all the hate hype? Or is it actually worth playing, or atleast trying? My quick verdict. The game as a while is definitely; Without a doubt worth renting at the moment and buying when the game hits around 30 or so dollars (or if you can get it used).

The reasoning for this quite simple. The Order 1886 to me is by far the best looking game on the Playstation 4 at the moment, and making it one of the few titles that made the "visual leap" that fans of consoles have been waiting for since released of the current gen systems. So this game for me is the the very sort list of "Next-Gen Graphics" when it comes to games.

Ready at Dawn was so efficient at making the game cut scenes and gameplay seamless sometime it was difficult to tell which parts of the games were actually interactive.

Although with that said, this game has one major flaw and it is becoming a habit in gaming. The Order is rift with quick time events! (QTEs) Something the developer seemed to think we needed to keep us engaged in what was going on. Personally I rather of just watched a cinematic. 

The Meat and Potatos! 

First and foremost this game will turn a lot of people off just for one reason.... The game so no co-op or online multplayer of any kind. So if you wanted to play this game with your friend. The best you can do is sit on the same couch and watch one another play the game and give hints and tips.

Also I know most of you want to know this little fact over anything else I write or that you read. The game is indeed short. It took me a little over seven hours to complete and I started playing right after I got home from work (8am) and I played until about 3ish or so PM (eastern time of course) and I was nearly done with the game. So if you like longer types of games. This game is not for you at all, and yes those black bars you see in all the reviewers and trailers and whatnot are in the game are going to be there for the entire experience.

 I admit at first the letterbox style (Black bars) was very annoying. I hated, almost returned it right away. To me it didn't feel right. I wanted more of the screen, I wanted the game to use my whole t.v and not feel like I was playing a Playstation one game that can't adjust to my t.v. It felt frustrating. The one one question popped into my mind... WHY? WHY, WHY, WHY! Why give up and quarter of the screen to black nothingness! The worse part is this game is beautiful.

Of course with that said and common explanation can be brought it, because of the games graphics they used the bars as a quick fix to make the game run more smoothly. After all, The Order 1886 is one of the best looking games I have seen in a good long time, if not it is the best (In my eyes). Perhaps the game was indeed to much for the Playstation to handle and as the result of those black lines; The game resolution is 1920x800 instead of 1920x1080.

I am pretty sure whatever the case is, we will never know as Ready at Dawn will keep the reasoning underwraps; or they may just stick on what they said before. Its for a more cinematic approach. In retrospect it does make sense. Because of the wider aspect ratio, my vision was often stretched, making it difficult for me to focus on anything that wasn't right in front of me. And while I dislike the black bars after the first few hours I kind of forgot they existed.

Now we get to the issue of game length. This issue comes for the idea of what a game is worth. Would you rather be playing a five hour game for so much money that is engaging, entertaining and overall fun, or would you rather play X amount of dollars for a 40-50 hour game that is more boring in some parts, more grindy, yes with more stuff to do but at a slower more spread out pace. In the end it really matters on YOU. Personally I had my doubts about how much I would enjoy this game and one of the reasons was because of the length. To be honest though this game for me puts to rest that notion. I would play this game over a few longer games any day of the week! Although with that said. There is NO REAL REASON TO REPLAY THIS GAME AFTER IT IS COMPLETED! Considering the game is in fact full price (Buying the game new) that is a major deal breaker!

As I said before there is no multiplayer mode to further engage the player, it lacks a character development system and is a very... VERY linear experience! You want a idea of how linear it is. Think of a hallway, a straight hallway. Your object is to go from point A to point B. Yes you may have some objects or whatnot to climb over to work around, giving to false sense of exploration. But in the end it is still.. a straight line.  The Order 1886 will funnel you down that hallway, down a certain path with cut scenes and set pieces of break it up a little bit.

Of course what The Order lacks in exploration, and character development it makes up in atmosphere, game play and setting. If you enjoy games that you can beat in one session, have a good time in and not struggle with where to go, or how to do something then this game will be right up your alley!

 Setting and Characters to Remember?

The setting for The Order is rather unique with it's steam punk-espue Victorian London environment, dropping the players into a world were the Industrial Revolution took a mixture of steroids, red bull and a already very active kid and kicks it up ten fold. It is in complete overdrive! In which giving the ancient order of King Arthur's knights access to some crazy high tech weaponry and devices. Wireless communicators. Sure why not! A game that shoots electricity made by Nikola Tesla himself. Why the hell not! Zepplins? Of Course! Along with various other advancements that were not around or are still not around to this day and age. 

If you haven't been keeping up with anything. This is going to be a bit of a light spoiler so I am just warning you. The Order: 1886 main plot is you (huamns) are in a battle with half-breeds. Werewolf type creatures that enjoy eating human flesh and a liquid called Black Water, giving the knights abilities that they would of never had and a very long life span. The plot isn't that original but for what it gives you it is a enjoyable experience. 

Unlike games like Failassassin.. err Assassin Creed Unity and Farcry 3.... Err 4. The cast of The Order is small which makes certain characters memorable. Sir Galahad (Yes you read that right Sir Galahad!)

Sir Galahad, the game's main character. Is a conflicted member of the Order who progressively becomes more complex as the game's story unwinds. Hint, Hint. He isn't what he seems to be at first!
Take that as you will.

 Then there is the supporting cast. Lady Igraine. The youngest of The Order. Marquis de Lafayette, a french man who reminds of a little of luminaire from beauty and the beast as he keeps pursuing women; as well as a few other characters that break the "You killed my father, prepare to die" role. (aka Revenge)


The Order is has quite the similarities to three games in general. Gears of War, Last of Us and Uncharted. For the most part, players will move between cover. Firing shots in order to take down there foes quickly and efficiently. The cover mechanic works well in this game for moving between objects and using the ability backsight. Think bullet time in games, or Red Dead Redemption when you enter that "gun mode" where you can kill a lot of enemies at once because you slow down time.

 Enemies do have a good sense on what to do as they flank players who like camping/and or staying still. This encourages players to always be vigilant of you and your surroundings, and course the enemies. Never stay in one place for a long period of time. With that said though there are times were the AI gets confused and does stupid things. Like get stuck, or run around aimlessly. That is rare though from what I experienced. The gun play is responsive and fast, BUT the QTE events that come in between gun fights, mainly during stealth sequences often lead to rage inducing tantrums. It only gets worse with each fail as you have to redo them over again. BUT the developers were nice to include a save point "almost" after each event so it can be a done deal after you complete it. 

 One big issue I have with the game though is in certain parts the game pretty much makes you go Rambo on enemies. Hiding behind cover. Nope! Slowly going forward with gun in hand mowing down monster after monster... YUP! I know what you are thinking though. That is AWESOME! Indeed it is but the issue I have is why make it like that when previous area's were not, and it isn't like there no cover ether because most of these Rambo situations happen where there seems to be plenty of cover to hide and shoot behind. It just seems like it takes away a option on how to play the game which is already linear in the first place.

 The Order did a number of things right and I did enjoy my time with the game, but with that said after I beat the game and the credits were rolling. I did wish the game was in fact a but longer. I didn't feel unsatisfied, I just wanted more. Some parts do seems forced (Like going John Rambo) but those areas could of just been added to keep the story going and the Developers could flesh out the area more do to time restrictions. 

 Overall my thoughts and time with this game is positive. This game is a placement stone for more sequels and/or DLC. We know the world of Sir Galahad now and I am honestly looking forward to the next installment if there is any. If not, even so this game by itself will be placed pretty high on my 2015 game rankings listings. 

So what I would recommend is read this and more reviews. Come up if the length would be worth your 60 dollars. To me it is not. As I stated before I got this from Redbox (Gamefly didn't want to ship me my copy) I beat it in a day and I returned it. Saying that though because I played this game for a cheap price that may why I am positive about this game. I could see why someone who payed full price or close to it feel ripped off and unhappy. 

Thank you for reading my review on The Order 1886! It has been fun playing and writing this review. I hope to do more in the future.

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