Thursday, February 12, 2015


Rules of the Stream!

Be kind to others in the chat. 
Everyone is equal! 
Discussion and debate are great, but keep it civil. 
Be respectful to me and any others playing and or streaming with me!
If you backseat game, you will be banned. Help only if ASKED!
Let me figure out how to play a game or do a certain part for myself, if I need help I will ask!  


First is just a warning.
Second is a timeout 
Third is a Temp Ban
Final is a Perma Ban!

When did I start streaming!

I started to twitch when I got my PlayStation 4. I always wanted to stream and entertain people with my wackiness! I will be streaming from my PC soon enough. I work part time and make good money but this has always been my dream!

Requesting Games!

I typically play the games I want to play on stream. Spamming the chat for me to play a certain game will get ignored and eventually a purge / timeout / ban will occur.

 Thank you!

This FAQ will be updated overtime. Thanks again for showing interest in the stream and enjoy!

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