Thursday, March 5, 2015

Helldivers Review

 Came out on March 3rd on PSN Store!

Helldivers is also a cross-buy game, which means that a single purchase will unlock the game on PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.

March started off with a bang by kicking us off with the PlayStation Spring Fever Event. The first game that came out for the event is Helldivers from Arrowhead Game Studios. The game Helldivers is a cooperative top-down shooter that revolves around a war of soldiers from the planet Super Earth whom are against three alien races that aim to wipe them out.

You take control of a soldier from Super Earth who is tasked to fight against any and all forces who are against you, and are against your planet. In order to do such a task, you'll have to complete objectives on small randomly-generated planets which will add to your overall score in which will indicate how close the worldwide player base is to defeating the alien race once and for all!

Helldivers seems fairly simple. You pick a planet, complete the task, collect the rewards and then rinse and repeat. The brilliance of this simply game is that how players interact with one another when embarking on a mission and how they progress against the aliens races.

Early in the game, you may want to figure out on how to prepare for certain missions and climates. For instance in the snow type of planets, you will be slowed for most of the mission, so adding something to help you move faster such as a jump pack will help you get out out of binds you can run into. 

Joining and having people come into your games is rather simply. Youc an get into into action without waiting for anyone to reach a checkpoint or a group wipe. The best part and yet most annoying part is when a player joins your game and the pod will land directly on top of your friend or one of your fellow teammates. So if you are playing with friends and that happens the laughs will happen! Oh and yes the pod landing on you or your allies will outright kill them.

As you gain levels, you will be able to unlock perks and weapons for your characters as well as more planets which range in difficulty. At level 12, you will have acces to the hardest planets in the game, which require four very good and decked out players.

The items you unlock range from simple weaponry to items. Everything you do unlock are called strategems. Everything you unlock can range from mech suits and APC's to airstrikes. At the beginning you will only have a few options and later one you will get more powerful strategems.

Past the gameplay, there's also a metagame at work in the background. As I mentioned before, every planetary liberation contributes to an overall score for that region. When the bar fills out, you move to the next region, and in the end you reach the home planet of the enemy alien race. After you liberate the home planet of all the aliens, that race of alien will be gone and dfeated for the remaider of the campaign. These campaigns can last up to 6 weeks and will then reset starting the cycle back over.

There are some problems with this game though. Sometimes the difficulty can spike in random areas. Like when you like everything is going well, you have your mech suits and you are mowing down everything and everyone. Then suddenly out of nowhere the game will put a enemy in front of you which you can no do anything but shoot, shoot and shoot some more and do nothing to it. Making you want to throw your controller in a fit of rage.

Overall I was pleased with my experience with Helldivers. The concept of the game might be better than the execution, but if you can find a friend or friends to play with there will will countless hours of fun to be had in this universe.

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